2025/26 學年幼兒班(K1)入學申請注意事項
申請方法 (不設申請表限額):
時間:星期一至星期五 (上午 9 時至下午 5 時) / 星期六 (上午 9 時至中午 12 時)
遞交申請表格 (不設限額收取入學申請表):
- 日期:2024 年 9 月 1日(星期五)起 (全年接受申請)
- 時間:星期一至五 上午 9 時至下午 5 時 或星期六上午 9 時至中午 12 時
- 遞交方法:
- 親臨或郵遞至本園 (須連同所需文件)
- 學生香港出生證明或外地出生證明書及獲在本港居留的身份證明文件正、副本。
- 防疫注射記錄正、副本。
- 報名費用一律為港元$40。
- 回郵信封兩個。
- 所遞交的證明文件包括(如有需要):
住址證明文件(包括水/電/煤收費單,所提交的地址證明文件上的姓名須與家長/監護人的姓名相同)正本; - 學生近照兩張(1.5″x2″)。
申請「2025/26 幼稚園入學註冊證」
- 政府由 2017/18 學年起落實推行「免費優質幼稚園教育計劃」 (下稱「計劃」),每名可在本港接受教育的學童只會獲發一張註冊文 件,而所有參加「計劃」的幼稚園,只可取錄持有有效註冊文件的 學童。
- 家長須於 2024年 9 月至 11 月期間為其子女向教育局申請「幼稚園 入學註冊證」(下稱「註冊證」)。「註冊證」會於本年 9 月開始接受申請,屆時教育局會公布申請細則,並會在教育局網頁(加入教育 局網頁結連)上載詳情。如申請人在遞交申請時已提供全部所需資料及文件,教育局一般可在六至八個星期內完成審核,並以郵遞方式 發放「註冊證」給合資格接受「計劃」資助的申請人。如學童可於 本港接受教育但不合乎資格接受「計劃」資助1而未能獲發「註冊證」, 本局會為有關學童發出「幼稚園入學許可書」(下稱「入學許可書」), 學童可憑「入學許可書」註冊並入讀參加「計劃」的幼稚園,惟其 家長須按註冊入讀之幼稚園的收費證明書繳付未扣減「計劃」資助前的全額學費。
教育局「2025/26 K1 收生安排」:請按此進入
- 兄/姊在本園就讀之弟妹優先考慮。
- 父/母全職在本園工作。
- 父/母或兄/姊為本園的畢業生。
- 父/母全職在本園的辦學團體之機構工作。
- 其他(如就近入學、方便家長照顧…….)。
- 面見表現(態度、禮貌、與人相處……)。
- 全日班學位以雙職父母或有家庭需要者優先考慮。
- 本幼稚園會安排面見所有申請入讀幼兒班的兒童。
- 面見日期及時間由本幼稚園安排,恕不另行更改。
- 任何原因缺席面見,將不獲安排後補面見的機會。
- 本幼稚園將於 2024年 12 月 13日前以郵遞方式通知家長幼兒班取錄結果。
- 本園網頁內公佈。
1. 正選生:家長須於 2025年 1 月2至4日 (「統一註冊日期」)內的指定時間到本幼稚園辦理註册手續,並須提交「註冊證」/「入學 許可書」及繳交註冊費。
2. 備取生:本幼稚園會以郵遞方式發出通知,請家長於指定日期到本幼稚園辦理 註冊手續,並須提交「註冊證」/「入學許可書」及繳交註冊費。
3. 家長請留意,如未能在指定的註冊日期提交「註冊證」/「入學許可書」,本幼稚園或未能為獲取錄兒童完成手續,因此家長務必於指 定日期內向教育局申請相關註冊文件。
4. 2025/26學年半日班的註冊費為港幣 970元正;全日班的註冊費為港幣 1570元正。如有關兒童入讀本校,本校會於有關學年的第一個月內退回註冊費。
5. 若家長於註冊後決定為子女轉校,請以書面通知本幼稚園。本幼稚園會退回「註冊證」/「入學許可書」, 但註冊費將不獲退還。在取回「註冊證」/「入學許可書」後,本幼稚園亦不會再為該兒童保留學位。
幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心概覽2023/24 學年:請按網址
Tai Ping Kindergarten
Information on Admission to K1 Classes in the 2025/26 School Year
Collection of application Forms (No quota):
- Download from school website Click Here
- Obtain from school in person ( *School open at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Mondays to Fridays) /9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Saturdays))
- Online Application Click Here
Submission of Application Forms (No set quota for the kindergarten):
1. Return to campus (with documents)
2. Send by post (with documents)
Application fee: HK$40 (to be collected together with the application form). The application fee is non-returnable whether the application is successful or not.
Submit it in person with the following documents:
- Birth Certificate (original and copy)
- Immunisation Record (original and copy)
- 2 passport size photo
- 2 stamped envelope
Return Period:
- Date: Starting from 1/9/2024(Friday)(Applications are accepted all year)
- Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday), 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Saturday)
- Application for the “2025/26 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission”
- The Government will implement the “Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme” (hereafter referred to as “Scheme”) starting from the 2017/18 school year. Each child who can receive education in Hong Kong will only be issued a registration document and all Scheme-KGs can only admit students holding a valid registration document.
- Parents are required to submit an application for the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” (hereafter referred as “RC”) to EDB from September to November 2024. The “RC” will be open for applications in September 2024 and EDB will announce and upload the details of application onto EDB’s website (link to be inserted) in due course. Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary information and documents provided, EDB will generally take six to eight weeks to complete processing of the applications and issue the “RC” to applicants who are eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme by post. If a student cannot obtain an “RC” as he/she can receive education in Hong Kong but is not eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme1 , EDB will then issue a “Kindergarten Admission Pass” (hereafter referred to as “AP”) to the student concerned for registration and admission to a Scheme-KG but the parents 1 Upon obtaining permission from the Director of Immigration, non-local children (such as children holding a form of recognizance, children whose parent(s) is/are holding a student visa, etc.) can receive education in Hong Kong but they are not eligible for subsidy under the Scheme. concerned are required to pay full school fees before deduction of subsidy under the Scheme as shown on the Fees Certificate of the KG to which the child is admitted.
“2025/26 K1 Admission Arrangements” :Click Here
Admission Criteria
- Interview performance.
- The applicant with sibling(s) currently studying in the kindergarten will be given due
priority consideration.
- Applicants from families in need will be given priority consideration when applying
for whole day classes.
Interview Arrangements
- The kindergarten will arrange interview for all applicants.
- Interviews will be conducted on November 2024.
*Please contact us at 26733199 if interpretation / translation service is required.
(Parents also can bring their Chinese speaking relatives and friends to the school for interpretation.)
Interview Formats
Play in group games and conversations .
Announcement of Admission Results
We will inform parents of the K1 admission results before 13 December 2024 by post.
Registration Arrangements
- . Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 2 to 4 January 2025 (“Centralised Registration Dates”) by submitting the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee.
- Applicants on the waiting list:We will inform parents by post. Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the school. Parents are required to submit the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and pay the registration fee.
- Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the “RC” / “AP” during registration, the kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit application for the registration document to EDB within the specified period.
- The registration fee for 2025/26 K1 place is HK$970(Half-day)/HK$1570(Whole-day). If the child concerned studies in the kindergarten, the registration fee paid will be refunded in September,2025.
- Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify the kindergarten in writing. The kindergarten will return the “RC” / “AP” but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon obtaining the “RC” / “AP”, the kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child.
How to apply for a “Kindergarten Admission Pass”: Please click on the website
How to apply for “Fee Remission Scheme”: Please click on the website
Profile of kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centers 2023/24 School Year: Please click on the website
Education Department Registration Number: ED158593